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Our funded projects allow us to educate and engage with schools and communities across the UK, supported by like-minded councils, charities and organisations


The Sand Snails Project

Our Sand Snails project focusses on improving the understanding of NPT nature and ecology within the community engaging local children and the wider community with the sea snails (gastropod marine molluscs) found on their sandy shores. This is being done through classroom outreach, field trips to Aberavon beach and outdoor family engagement events increasing local biodiversity and identification knowledge. 

Funded: NPT Local Nature Partnership


Seashore Trails Series

A series of four family-friendly walks on the Bridgend Coast developed and designed by Beach Academy. 

We combined the health and wellbeing of coastal walking with easy beach activities that could be completed unaccompanied by a guide to explore the intertidal marine environment and wales coast path.  

Each trail can be downloaded and completed at any time and suitable for all ages. 

Funded: Reach, Bridgend CBC


The Ogmore Reefs

Aim of the project was to increase public awareness and understanding of our natural world, by focusing on the Honeycomb worm reefs at Ogmore-by-Sea Beach in the Vale of Glamorgan. Many locals, and visitors, are unaware of what these fragile protected habitats on our shore are. An education pack and A3 information poster were produced as digital downloads for everyone to access and learn more about them.
Funded: Vale Local Nature Partnership


Seashore Creatures Specimen Tour

This project immersed pupils from 20 BCBC schools in a world of living things they had never seen before. Collected by the founder of Beach Academy the specimens are kept for children to connect and learn about the living things found on their own shores, not far away. An A3 identification chart was also produced to support the learning, an engagement weekend for families was also held with guided nature trails and a touch table, 

Funded: Bridgend Local Nature Partnership


Rockpool Guardians

This ongoing project (in Bridgend & Vale of Glamorgan) is teaching schools, community groups and visitors how to protect and preserve marine life on their local beaches whilst taking part in the outdoor activity of Rockpooling, historically enjoyed by generations on the welsh coast.  The project will focus on how to protect the living things found in Rockpools from injury, disturbance and destruction and why, now more than ever, we need to. Our planet’s biodiversity is in decline and we must do everything we can to respect, connect and protect the living things that exist around us.  

Funded: This project is funded by the Nature Networks Programme, it is being delivered by the Heritage Fund, on behalf of the Welsh Government. 


Project Starfish

Project Starfish helps pupils and the public learn how to spot, identify and record starfish on the South Wales shore by looking at the different species you can find here in Wales, what to do when you see one, how to rescue them and top tips on how you can help protect them from harm when on the beach or rockpooling. 

Funded: Vale Coastal Project and Vale Nature Partnership

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