Project Starfish
Field Trip or Outreach
Public Engagement Event
Educational Resource
Pledge... Become a starfish friend
Funded by Vale Coastal Project
and Vale Nature Partnership
From an early age, many of us know what a starfish looks like. An iconic seashore favourite shown in brochures, books, photos, illustrations, travel promotions, art and rockpool imagery all across the world. The starfish is a symbol of ‘beach life’ and ‘beach biodiversity’ well known and loved by many.
‘Project Starfish’ helps pupils and the public learn how to spot, identify and record starfish on the South Wales shore by looking at the different species you can find here in Wales, what to do when you see one, how to rescue them and top tips on how you can help protect them from harm when on the beach or rockpooling.
Through engaging interactive activities, the pilot project teaches:
• How to record starfish and other under-recorded rockpool species.
• Why recording is important.
• The Starfish species of Wales.
• What makes a Starfish a Starfish looking at body parts and functions.
• How to rescue stranded starfish including signs that a starfish may be ill.